Frutect | Other Developments

Frutect Active Board (New)

Shape, color, food
Another option making the pest control even more effective is using a white or yellow active board, which contains a contact poison that is released over time from micro-capsules. When the fly lands on the board it comes in contact with the poison, and dies.
The board comes in different colors for different purposes:
Yellow for luring insects
White for luring natural enemies
Blue for luring Thrips

Frutect 06

Shape, color, food
A luring and exterminating device against fruit flies.
Based on a lure to the shape and color, and a liquid compound of protein bait combined with pesticide material within the ball container.
Frutect is a multi-use container, effective for the entire season. At the end of the season the yellow board stays on the tree and the ball container is replaced for a new one.

Frutect 06

Frutect Glue

Shape, color, food
Another option to increase effectiveness is to cover the interface of the device (front and back) with glue. Flies that land on either the yellow board or the ball container get stuck and die. The glue is supplied as a spray, easy and quick to apply.

Frutect Glue

Frutect Pheromone Glue

Shape, color, food, pheromone
Another option to increase effectiveness and exterminate the fly. Implementing an attractant containing pheromones in a designated slot at the bottom of the board, together with glue sprayed on the entire interface. This way, the pheromone acts as a lure on top of the protein bait within the ball container, and the glue acts together with the pesticide to exterminate the flies. In this option, luring and exterminating the flies are highly effective. Recommended for small orchards and groves.

Frutect Pheromone Glue